Sunday, February 13, 2005

Congratulations to Brian Wilson

Congratulations, Brian, on receiving your first Grammy.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Up! The Blue CD

Some accuse Shania Twain of being responsible for everything that's wrong in Nashville. I disagree. Her Up! CD from 2002 was ingeniously packaged with two CDs, with rock mixes on the "Red CD" and country mixes of the same songs on a "Green CD." Who can argue with choice? More importantly, the songs "work" either way. Now, after a two-month wait from Amazon, I've received the International Version of Up!, with the Red CD plus a Blue CD containing Bollywood (Indian) remixes of the tracks. It sounds great, and makes an interesting statement about the globalization of music. If you have the U.S. edition, you can see the cover of the Blue CD, with Shania appropriately in Bollywood garb, inside the CD artwork. Judging by how long it took my Blue CD to arrive, the International Version may be getting hard to find, so if you have any interest in it, I recommend buying it now.